About Us

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

— Isaiah 30:21 NIV


At The Compass Academy, our mission is to provide a one-of-a-kind educational experience rooted in Christian values. Founded by local families who sought to empower their children, we are committed to offering a blended-model school that supports families and equips students with a Christ-centered education. We aim to nurture their growth, enabling them to serve and positively impact the world for the glory of God. We strive to create an environment where all children and families feel loved, accepted, and valued, fostering their holistic development.


To become a beacon of light, transforming lives through education.

Our Leadership

Our team consists of four founders with collectively over 20 years of experience operating successful businesses and youth organizations.

Changing the Academic Landscape

The Compass Academy finds itself occupying a unique niche within the educational industry. We provide the academic structure of a physical school with the flexibility of homeschooling. Locally, due to our tremendous year-over-year growth, we are seeing that our model is resonating with community members. The U.S. Census Bureau would back our claims, as they have cited an overall increase in homeschooling since 2020.